Willie's profile

Profile ID: 1007988
Age 53
Height 5'11" ft
  (180 cm)
Weight 185 lb
  (84 kg)
Sexually is top
City Victoria
Province British Columbia
Country Canada
Seeking friends
Prefer men aged from 50 to 80

Profile text:

I'm a sapiosexual and a well educated professional.

I've done my work on my baggage and could say that I now travel with a carry-on. Therefore, it would only be fair to meet someone who had done the same.

I love men, just not all of them. I love them when they're well mannered, well educated (any source), kind, gentle, wise and with super hygiene. I mean, nothing that I can't match.

I don't live by regret, I'm never a victim and I am flawed.

It would be lovely to meet a man who'd tried it all and knows now better what counts in life.

I lived in 4 countries, I speak 3 languages, I enjoy cooking, writing and playing tennis. I'm a good listener and a very good friend (I have reference letters :)...

A phone call or a cup of coffee would make a very good start.

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