fuzzy's profile - supporters can see gallery

Profile ID: 1014719
Age 71
Height 5'7" ft
  (170 cm)
Weight 148 lb
  (67 kg)
City Atlanta
Zip / postal 30308
State Georgia
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
a date
a relationship
Prefer men aged from 45 to 80

Profile text:

hot, horny, hairy - looking for action / bed / date / fun things to do.
look 4 me on h*t male, where it is better to communicate

I am fuzzybuddy3

please leave your e-mail address so I can contact you - thanx.

Looking for a traveling companion to southern India Feb (next year) on a tour - interested ? ? ?
looking for travel companions to go to a variety of interesting places - - - -- (somewhat open to suggestions - if we get a good deal)

driving Atlanta - Boston (& back) each summer.
like to meat interesting guys along way - cocktail (cock or tail), 1/2 bed, meal, sexxx, diversion from road !

Costa Rica was great (wish I had more sexxx)
Cambodia was interesting - but wish I had had more sexxx ! ! !
Morocco funnn as well.
Thailand - 4 times

U can e-mail me at the h*t mAle place: fuzzybuddy3.

if U would like a response, PLEASE leave your e-mail address, as I have only 2/day here on SD.

I have only 2/day here on SD, - so,
- - - - - - - - - - -
if U want a response, please
supply UR e-mail address ! ! ! ! !
(or e-mail me at: fuzzybuddy3 at the <email hidden - non-supporting user - send a message instead> dot com site)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
guy on the go.
well traveled - 6 continents.
& around US as well

I only have 2 / day here on SD, so PLEASE reply supplying your e-mail address so I can communicate with you. U can better get me at the site 4 hott mAil as fuzzybuddy3 .

I am quiet, reserved, not a bar person.
never smoked - anything !
light social drinker.
enjoy my home in Midtown, but also like my cabin on lake in mountains of north GA, where I go to hide from world, read, & write.
have taught at high school & university along the way.
team sports is not my thing, but enjoy hikes in woods, & lingering at waterfalls in the middle of nowhere.

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