collingwoodrick2469's profile

Profile ID: 1099136
Age 67
Height 5'10" ft
  (178 cm)
Weight 181 lb
  (82 kg)
Sexually is versatile
oral versatile
City Collingwood
Province Ontario
Country Canada
Seeking sex partner(s)
Prefer men aged from 20 to 80

Profile text:

My first bj was paradise by the dashboard light

I was so naive when I was ynunger...all the signs other boys and men gave me

Taking a cock in my mouth is a sign of acceptance
by him

I love to be told what to do and how to do it

is just something more inherently more attractive and sexual about a mans cock than you know
what makes me want to be a better lover...nothing is more sensually arousing tome than a man, displaying his wet shimmering cock head in my face

why don't we just get into each others pants, and just stay there.......I have had gay sex for a number of years, and I desire the same again, if ever it can happen. But also enjoy the chat, the role play here....and the real time role play.........that allows me to express my feelings.

love to have real role play, with another man ,my age, older , younger, flirt with me, give me approval and encouragement lighting a fire inside me again, giving me approval , encouragement...........

whisper to me, Rick, its take my hand between your thighs and let me feel how excited I make you, and then to feel my excitement, as you slowly guides my head down, down, to feel what I really always ever wanted.

I love kissing , esp French kissing, the tongue is such an erotic part of our bodies, being felt up , feeling you up....the first touch the finger on my ass.....your thumb over the head...the taste of pre...the rush of cum

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