Manuel's profile

Profile ID: 1304339
Age 69
Height 5'9" ft
  (175 cm)
Weight 176 lb
  (80 kg)
Sexually is oral versatile
Country Costa Rica
Seeking a relationship
Prefer men aged from 30 to 55

Profile text:

Soy muy honesto y sincero y me gusta ayudar a la gente mas necesitada. Quiero encontrar un verdadero amigo, transparente y sincero con el fin de conocernos lentamente y si nace un sentimiento tomar la mutua decisión. hemhernandez @<email hidden - non-supporting user - send a message instead>.com skpe H mh e r n a n d e z. Im very honest, sincere and transparent and I would like to find somebody similar than me to start a real friendship and according with chemistry something more. Is there anybody so?. I wait. Thanks.

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