BoysnToys's profile

Profile ID: 136758
Age 64
Height 6'2" ft
  (188 cm)
Weight 205 lb
  (93 kg)
Sexually is versatile
oral versatile
City Phoenix / Scottsdale
Zip / postal 85018
State Arizona
Country United States
Seeking a date
a relationship

Profile text:

I COULD easily be into 2Dads&aLad kinda thing with the right guys. While single, I've been enjoying hangin'-out with a few cool married couples I introduced to massage..genuine friends I also enjoy other things with..who thankfully choose to explore together...may be nice someday to bring my cool buddy along for occasional extra adventures if WE choose to continue.

Healthy, hung and humorous explorer looking for adventurous lil'buddy into prancing around in your tighty-whities, strippin' like an angel with lil'devil in your eye, bouncing the bone'n'butt in my face and teasing your coach-dad into a horny frenzy of naughty play...with the enthusiasm and endurance to go for hours.

Other fantasies too: doctor-patient, dad-son, grandpa-dad-grandson, coach-jock, cop-inmate, master-slave, trainer-pet, teacher-student, photographer-model, director-pornstar, hot oil wrestling, stripper...I could EASILY get into CosPlay...use your imagination and I can probably come up with the gear. But this isn't just role-play...these are all natural parts of my personality that seem to seep into everything I do.

And, hey...this is just for doesn't define me! I'm WAY into Tantric massage & hours-long love-making where we truly and deeply connect. And if you're inexperienced, I could be a great, patient, reassuring guide. Though I can be chill about nakedness, horniness and fantasies, its NOT the ONLY thing with me. I take friendship, relationships and commitments VERY seriously but without all the drama. Friends feel comfortable talking to and asking me about ANYthing and know I'll keep it private...maybe you will too.

I'm a generally quiet, professional, nice guy who hasn't forgotten how to play like a frat-boy. I'm NOT married or sneaking around on the side, and could actually become a cool Dad or Grandpa who'll expand your horizons in MANY ways.

And that's the catch -- we've got to be good enough buddies that we can relax and trust each other to explore whatever we want and then laugh it all off afterwards. Hopefully some other fun stuff together, treks, kayaking, camping, hiking, windsurfing, riding, road trips, exploring new things (just about anything adventurous) as well as the more quiet, reflective stuff like cooking/dining, composing/playing music, reading/writing and cuddling up in front of a cracklin' fire...its all like the BEST foreplay to me.

Interested? Tell me a little about yourself and share some pics, interests & fantasies. If there's no pic or interests in your profile & you share just as little in your msg..I'll put an equal amount of thought & effort into my no reply.

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