AGuyInSD's profile

Profile ID: 1421219
Age 47
Height 5'10" ft
  (178 cm)
Weight 190 lb
  (86 kg)
Sexually is versatile
oral versatile
City San Diego
Zip / postal 92128
State California
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
Prefer men aged from 40 to 90

Profile text:

(updated 12/2023)
Completing some life changes and (re)starting getting into m2m play.

Was previously very oral in my 30s and loved servicing older men. Now as I am aging into a new phase, I have new ideas and desires. Still love the idea of sucking nice older gent (and even his friends)- but also considering enjoying younger bottoms. So in a true versatile mode - older tops, younger bottoms and combos thereof are welcome. (Damn a 3some with a dad/son couple sounds amazing)

Was into cruising previously as it was frankly convenient - so would enjoy finding a kind friendly fellow (or mentor) to show me the fun spots around town - parks, shops, resorts, baths, clubs or other venues.

Open to helping out cucks and bi-married guys. Huge high heel fetish so always open to sexy gurls!

Basically, (tldr;) coming back to sexploration and fantasy fulfillment. Lots of ideas and finally some time to play. Frisky fun awaits!

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