Tom's profile - supporters can see gallery and video

Profile ID: 15488
Age 56
Height 5'11" ft
  (180 cm)
Weight 225 lb
  (102 kg)
Partnered yes
City Apache Junction
Zip / postal 85120
State Arizona
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
a date
Prefer men aged upto 90

Profile text:


1968 model year made from German parts, assembled in Montana. Currently parked in Arizona. Hope to relocate back to Montana in the future.

I'm here for conversation and possible friendship. I enjoy looking at the pics and vids and not really expecting much more. I enjoy occasional intimate company with other mature men. I have very few hang-ups and am very open minded. I can host with a very flexible schedule.

About me-
I married my wonderful husband in 2019, we've together for 21 years. We have an open and honest relationship. I'm a down to earth guy, very few expectations now days. I do not let my sexuality define me, it is just one facet of what makes up who I am. I'm an avid model aviation hobbyist, enjoy music of most genres and have a preference towards classic movies of the 40's and 50's.

Some keywords to help understand who "Tom" is - dreamer, introspective, compassionate, gentle, strong, respectful, nature, old soul, easy going, realist, optimist

The fine print - while we all have our attractions please understand that my attraction runs towards the mature man. Typically speaking I prefer men over the age of 60. I tend towards hairy men and chubby. By no means are these "set in stone" as they say, even stone can crack or break.

Read something that strikes a chord with you? Please say hello!


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