Jim's profile - supporters can see gallery and video

Profile ID: 1606750
Age 63
Height 5'9" ft
  (175 cm)
Weight 168 lb
  (76 kg)
Sexually is top
oral versatile
City Benton Harbor
Zip / postal 49022
State Michigan
Country United States
Prefer men aged from 65 to 90

Profile text:

hello, I am a big admirer of the "older" men. Caucasian only. I like them retired (the older the better) with grey/white hair and a little bit over weight (chubby) is really fine. I am not into facial hair----- I like my men clean shaven.Some chest hair is alright but not into really hairy. I like them 5'4" to around 5' 10".
I enjoy kissing,cuddling,hugging. I like a good shower with a man also
I like to watch hockey, football and NASCAR
Also if you are married and BI (oral) and looking for a threesum with your wife I am pretty sure I would be interested.

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