Ramon's profile - supporters can see gallery
Profile text:Quiero amarte sin aferrarme,
apreciarte sin juzgarte,
unirme a ti sin invadirte,
invadirte sin exigirte,
dejarte sin sentirme culpable
cirticarte sin hacer que te sientas culpable
y ayudarte sin ofenderte.
(Virginia Satir)
would like to love you without you suffocating me
appreciate you never judging you
to be with you and not to take you over
and make no demands of you
to you leave alone and not feel guilty,
to be able to criticize and you not make me feel bad
to help you and you would not be offend
(Virgina Saitir)
Je veux t'aimer sans m'accrocher
T'apprécier sans te juger
M'unir à toi sans t'envahir
T'envahir sans t'exiger
Te laisser sans me sentir coupable
Te critiquer sans que tu ne te sentes coupable
Et t'aider sans t'offenser
(Virginia Satir)
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