jack's profile

Profile ID: 186204
Age 44
Height 5'2" ft
  (157 cm)
Weight 128 lb
  (58 kg)
Sexually is versatile
oral versatile
City new york
Zip / postal 11374
State New York
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
a date
a relationship
Prefer men aged from 45 to 85

Profile text:

I m asian professional living in NYC.
Looking for nice older guy for friendship and fun.

I travel a lot and like to meet local , not necessary for sex but its nice to see a place with local.I have met very nice guys and i m very thankful to all of u for showing me your beautiful city.
I love to travel,ski,watch sports,movies,theaters,museums,listen to music,dine out, beach, snorkeling, read books,walk on the park,
I like older guys who r honest,caring and has a good heart.

If u like my profile and want to know more about me, feel free to message me here or in my email [email protected]
pic on request

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