TwoCalifGuys4AThird's profile - supporters can see gallery
Profile text:First the disclaimers:
We are a discreet, 10 year, older/younger couple. We are not "Players", "no strings attached" or "friends with benefits" promiscuous guys. We are not "fantasies" for guys from foreign lands or married guys who think we are what they have been looking for all these years. We want some level of "control", trust and intimacy, which is difficult if you have another "secret" life.
Fem guys or female clothes or g-strings don't seem to work for us either, sorry. Ditto Kim Kardasian big-ass pics, sorry again. And please, seriously, don't show us a detailed picture of your anus. We are both very Top but it is just not a good first impression. And if your profile shows someone taking a picture or video of you getting fucked, you are definitely not for us, promiscuity is really a turn off to both of us.
**If the disclaimers haven't discouraged you, please read on**
We're very happy, but still looking for a masculine, thin or in-shape YOUNGER third (35-50) who needs to be 100% bottom. We want a situation that has real potential for intimacy. We are not promiscuous because there are too many diseases (we have no stds and are hiv-), and sex is only good when you know the person. It's an asset if you already know that spot inside you that makes you cum hands free or want to learn to cum like that with us, maybe even exclusively someday. Shy or submissive is ok, dick size is unimportant to us and chastity is even possible at some point.
We need to see a clear face pic at the beginning, and we will want to see you on cam to verify that you are who you say you are (did you ever see the movie "Clickbait" - where the sexy guy was really an middle aged crazy lady? -- scary.) We'll send you our face pics when we feel comfortable with you.
We are not interested in being Sugar Daddies or doing anything separately. One of our favorite quotes from here is "if we meet and you don't look like your picture, you are buying drinks until you do"
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