Brarbear's profile - supporters can see gallery

Profile ID: 2125424
Age 77
Height 6'1" ft
  (185 cm)
Weight 258 lb
  (117 kg)
Sexually is top
oral giving
City Victoria
Province British Columbia
Country Canada
Seeking sex partner(s)
a date
Prefer men aged from 35 to 70

Profile text:

I'm a big polar-bear-type. I am 77, 6'1", wt.260. I would say I look like, and act like, Santa Claus, the tall version (I used to look like his youngest son; Slow shift up the grey-white spectrum during last 10 years.) In fact, I've got the whole outfit, with 20 years playing Santa.Cl at children's-treatment-centers.
I also used to be an opera singer, theatre & costume designer, then theatre company-manager, which included setting up large gala-parties--all in the province of central Ontario, Canada--Toronto, and Muskoka area. Retired, moved to the west-coast when I was 50; into new careers: painting, writing, event-arranging.
I will add a couple of my paintings to my gallery-pics; it's about all I've been doing the 3years of CoVid--along with searching & trying new recipes, and reading.
My interests: MUSIC: passionate interest in just about any kind, but particularly in fine SINGERS--all opera thru.Andrea Bocelli, to K.D.Lang, Patsy Cline, & Celine Dion. (I have a record-&-CD-collection of every tenor since Caruso [Jussi Bjoerling anyone?]--and also all great sopranos. Love the Russian tenors & basses with the big thrilling voices...that put wrinkles in the back-walls of theatres!.
Love movies, and run a neighbourhood movie-series. I search out a new one, about every 10 days...special interest in the foreign prize-winners. Also cooking, modern art, travel. I keep myself busy.
And the beautiful place I live, Victoria,BC. The ocean roars below my windows.
I have to say: my 'take' on sex is that it is almost always playful. Lots of cuddling, stroking, licking, maybe chewing (I am a top/vers...that means,NOT-a-bottom). It is only as I sort out what my partner really responds to, that my cock gets hard. I want the chemistry to be happening; it's a getting-to-know-you process. My mind has to be saying 'Boy, this guy smells good! And he's a nice, likeable guy. Hairy? Sense-of-humor?...Great! This is the right place to be.' The chemistry is almost automatic if my bed-partner smells good, is friendly, and really loves having his balls touched or licked.
...And there are two other tests: if he likes to have my full weight on him; if he likes to kiss and knows how to kiss...
My age-range is very open: roughly 32 to 76. Want some maturity, of course, because conversation turns me on [or also off]--and really turned on by guys with a shy, quiet,laid-back, non-narcissistic style,...but then ready to spring into action as they feel comfortable. Ready to tell me something about self, and willing to express feelings honestly and openly, without too much criticism.
Further interest is travelling. I am friendly & ready to receive guests; also ready to travel, particularly along the west-coast of North America.

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