Vasco's profile - supporters can see gallery

Profile ID: 2210746
Age 68
Height 5'8" ft
  (173 cm)
Weight 181 lb
  (82 kg)
Sexually is top
oral versatile
City Rancho Mirage
Zip / postal 92270
State California
Country United States
Seeking a date
a relationship
Prefer men aged from 70 to 90

Profile text:

Single retire clean cut Spanish Basque well educated seeking a friend between 70 and 99 years old for friendship or possible for a LTR depending in our chemistry ,to going out for movies, lunch or dinner. I moved here to the desert back in 2019 from San Francisco Bay Area after, I retire from work, I live alone in my own place and I can host at any time. I love living here in the desert, but I would love to fine someone as I don't have much friends here. I prefer someone clean shave, free of any tattoos or piercing, no drugs alcohol or any illegal substances. I like music, theater, opera, cinema, cooking, gardening, travel and the things that make life interesting. No smoking, drugs or any other bad habits. I am very clean, never smoke or using drugs, HIV negative, full vaccinated with booster as for 10-21-2022. I like to drink a glass of wine with dinner as I was brought with wine since I was young. Thank you for checking my profile. Please respect my age preference.

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