Tasty Pants's profile - supporters can see gallery

Profile ID: 2336895
Age 43
City Toronto
Province Ontario
Country Canada
Seeking sex partner(s)
a date
a relationship
Prefer men aged from 65 to 85

Profile text:

Clean cut and quite handsome caucasian. Only sexually into Anglo-Caucasians
I am seeking senior men who are still horny and yearning for it. Would be clergy friendly too, that turns me on. If you're under about 68, not reasonably local, looking to jerk off online and not actually meet, I have zero percent interest in chatting sonppease do not contact me unless you are in the GTA and serious about meeting.
I can entertain or travel.
Super clean & dd free, you be too please.

When sending me a message here add a face pic and I will return one here and have a real way to connect upon messaging me (email address etc or ready to actually make plans)

2 messages a day.

I have excellent hygiene(& you should too)

Seeking: Disease free(and sure of it) Older younger sex is a turn on.

Serious question: does anyone actually want to meet here?

Im seeking disease free regular ongoing release hopefully.

Leave a way to contact when you message me or dont bother. Or email me here directly with a pic etc.

tasty9 at <email hidden - non-supporting user - send a message instead>mail com

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