Master Bryan's profile - supporters can see gallery

Profile ID: 2357988
Age 61
Height 6'2" ft
  (188 cm)
Weight 236 lb
  (107 kg)
Sexually is oral receiving
Partnered yes
City London
Country United Kingdom
Seeking sex partner(s)
Prefer men aged from 30 to 70

Profile text:

6'2 Tall Hairy stocky built with big feet and big hands
I enjoy men who have great oral skills and who can deep throat well - swallowing my cum and piss also - love to hold a man down on me till he gags and i do not mind a man breathless for a while
I love my hairy ass rimmed - including face sitting
Size 12 feet worshiped
Also men who enjoy giving a Massage
if your good with your mouth tongue lips and hands contact Daddy

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