0LDERonly's profile - supporters can see gallery

Profile ID: 2360547
Age 42
Height 5'10" ft
  (178 cm)
Weight 154 lb
  (70 kg)
Sexually is top
oral versatile
Partnered yes
City Boca Raton
State Florida
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
Prefer men aged from 60 to 90

Profile text:

Hi guys...

I'm gay, masculine, and I have a partner, therefore I am very discreet.
I do not shave or trim. The only hair that I trim is above my shoulders.

I'm not dominant or aggressive and definitely not into pain, just pleasure.

Also, I'm a non smoker, a very light drinker, and DDF. Not into CDs or men who wear women's underwear. I do not judge, it is just not for me.

Enjoy C2C when I have the ability to do so.

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