derek davis's profile - supporters can see gallery

Profile ID: 2471202
Age 52
Height 5'9" ft
  (175 cm)
Weight 161 lb
  (73 kg)
Sexually is versatile
City Bethesda
Zip / postal 20814
State Maryland
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
a date

Profile text:

Simple guy, looking for simple guys. Only available for single guys. Racist and/or trumpists save your time and just fuck off and if you are too sensitive to these words, well fuck off a lot harder then. Contact derekd7792002 at the y ah oo dot com. Thanks!

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age 75 - GA, United States
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age 79 - Australia
age 48 - RI, United States
Jeff Ashwood
age 65 - FL, United States
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age 67 - WI, United States
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age 78 - CT, United States
78664 M4M profile has image profile has gallery
age 54 - TX, United States

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