ty's profile

Profile ID: 2534081
Age 28
Height 6'2" ft
  (188 cm)
Weight 201 lb
  (91 kg)
Sexually is bottom
City Los Angeles
State California
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
a relationship
Prefer men aged from 40 to 90

Profile text:

26yr white 6ft2 195 redhead smooth living in LA

looking for a daddy willing to take my tight asshole. Looking for someone that can host as well. i Want to be a constant regular with someone and be your boy toy

== Results from bdsmtest.org ==
100% Pet
100% Rope bunny
99% Voyeur
96% Experimentalist
95% Submissive
94% Masochist
92% Slave
86% Boy/Girl
82% Primal (Prey)
80% Exhibitionist

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