Greg's profile

Profile ID: 2537058
Age 62
Height 5'7" ft
  (170 cm)
Weight 168 lb
  (76 kg)
Sexually is versatile
oral versatile
City Washington
Zip / postal 20001
State District of Columbia
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
a date
a relationship
Prefer men aged from 30 to 55

Profile text:

Well-traveled, fit and accomplished, with interests ranging from sports to arts to politics and more. Very kind and personable guy, easy to be with and a regular guy. Former diplomat and current business executive and writer. Vers/tending to bottom. Interested in meeting mature younger men who are fit, mainstream, established and settled in their careers and finances. Despite the name of this site, I'm not interested in being anyone's daddy. I speak Spanish and Italian.

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