Sargent pecker lonely hearts c's profile - supporters can see gallery and video
Profile text:Been on this site for several years and read a lot of profiles. Some are happy, some sad and some are unbelievable. I still don't know what to write to interest a guy that interests me. The following is tops on my dos and don'ts -
Please. No grumpy, negative, judgmental or rude guys and Please, NO Liars. . try being happy every day, try giving a smile, know that GOD made all of you, try being a Good guy even if it feels strange.
As for me . . . I consider myself bon vivant, I am not one to pick the low hanging fruit from the tree of life.
Like outdoors and I like being at home.
Sex is fun and rewarding BUT . . . . SEX alone will keep you alone. Would like to make friends with a guy that cares for himself and loves himself, Note; I did not say In Love with Himself.
Could tell you lots more, just don't know what you want to know.
Last word. No Dunlaps = the belly Dun Laps over the belt buckle.
Put your current picture in your profile and say something important about yourself. (It can be funny). Even if you are Ugly. (Most often, You are only Ugly to yourself.)
PS I hope I did not offend anyone with my video, especially Santa. lol
Hope you like my Santa and the Pear apple Trickster.. lol
Josh Groban River
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