BraveBoy's profile - supporters can see gallery

Profile ID: 2601913
Age 27
Height 5'8" ft
  (173 cm)
Weight 150 lb
  (68 kg)
City bali
Country Australia
Seeking a date
a relationship
Prefer men aged from 55 to 90

Profile text:

My name is Joko, I live in Bali, Indonesia.

For entertainment i like good quality conversation, sharing ideas, also humorous in the same time.
For sex I'm really flexible, we can share our ideas about it,also im open for any new experience. I like romance, adventurous and naughty. Im quite good on the bed, hehe...

Its tiring to do everything alone, i wish i have someone to guide me. I feel like im lost sometime... Need someone to guide me.. :(

I don't expect much from this website.
I just hope to have someone to love and live with... Friends only also great but i really need to fill this hole in my heart.
I'm not looking for a sugar daddy, just need someone to fill this hole in my heart.
Good looking captures my attention, good character captures my heart. Creative and smart is a big plus but Good heart is more important.

Only 2 messages a day so I rarely reply here. So maybe it's Better if you leave message with email or WhatsApp.
Pic please!! :)
No pic, no respond :(

I use gm a i l : Srijokosaefulloh1
WA : plus 62.896.3770.7493

Wish you all the best, always healthy and happy in your life.
Have a wonderful day!!

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