Dennis's profile - supporters can see gallery

Profile ID: 2697243
Age 63
Height 5'8" ft
  (173 cm)
Weight 170 lb
  (77 kg)
Sexually is bottom
City Sydney
Zip / postal 2217
Country Australia
Seeking sex partner(s)
a date
Prefer men aged from 30 to 55

Profile text:

. Passionate man, also love a good kisser..I'm totally into masculine men..Mostly im a btm..Not into fems..Just a very humble dte man.. I do try stay healthy, gym to keep a little fit.Sorry not into overweight guys...I'm not really looking for a relationship but if someone special came along, would be great ..A special man to spend some nice times together..I do live at Monterey, next to bay .. I do love the beach I do love swimming ..Winter months here I like to travel .. Follow the warmer weather... Enjoying my life having fun along the way..

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