RC's profile - supporters can see gallery

Profile ID: 2705834
Age 59
Height 6'3" ft
  (191 cm)
Weight 280 lb
  (127 kg)
Partnered yes
City Belleville
Zip / postal 07109
State New Jersey
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
Prefer men aged from 20 to 80

Profile text:

Happily partnered 16 years. We find being open works best for us and enjoy making new friends and FWBs, both together and separately. Hubby enjoys vanilla, while I am a bit more rocky road.

Fan of stocky men into nips, nutts and body contact. Have wrestling mats in basement, which can be quite fun to get sweaty on.

Enjoy most sports and playing cards. Happy to hang out and watch a game or play a bit.

Have my shots. Hope you do too.

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