Fur 4 Smooth's profile - supporters can see gallery

Profile ID: 2717206
Age 71
Height 5'10" ft
  (178 cm)
Weight 236 lb
  (107 kg)
Sexually is versatile
oral versatile
City Oakland Park
Zip / postal 33334
State Florida
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
a date
a relationship

Profile text:

*** Visiting MERIDA 12/24 to 01/08

Versatile Silver Daddy Bear here. If we can make each other laugh then anything is possible.

I'm recently retired, spiritual (not religious), and I don't drink/drug/smoke (in recovery). HIV-neg and on PrEP.

Asian food is the best (the men are hot too) so let's get some Dim Sum, Thai curry or Pho soon!

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age 49 - OH, United States
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age 73 - DE, United States
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age 74 - FL, United States
Richi White
age 24 - TX, United States
0 TPAsub4DOM profile has image profile has gallery
age 59 - FL, United States
Eager123 profile has image profile has gallery
age 64 - PA, United States
hdmikepd profile has image
age 56 - AZ, United States

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