Don's profile

Profile ID: 2719546
Age 66
Height 6'0" ft
  (183 cm)
Weight 174 lb
  (79 kg)
Sexually is bottom
City toronto
Province Ontario
Country Canada
Seeking sex partner(s)
a date
a relationship
Prefer men aged from 30 to 75

Profile text:

So much to do! So much to learn!

I have diverse interests, mostly focused around history, art and art history. I can't reasonably expect anybody to share these nerdy interests but looking for friendship that would be founded on shared values. Other interests include cooking, reading, languages and travel - mostly to London, Paris, Italy and American cities.

I am a long-term survivor of HIVAIDS, but I have been undetectable for decades. I worked in Human Resources for 30 years and my last position was Canada Manager of Compensation and Benefits for Oracle Corporation. My leg was amputated due to complications of diabetes and cancer. Despite the fact that I was quite resilient when faced with this life-changing event unrelated health issues (now well under control) led me to decide to take early retirement in June 2018.
I have been accepted in a Masters program to study art history at U of T, starting January 2024.

My health is very stable now (I had developed an allergy to cats and now get shots). With the current pandemic abating I am more confident to meet in person.

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