AJ's profile - supporters can see gallery

Profile ID: 2730936
Age 71
Height 6'2" ft
  (188 cm)
Weight 201 lb
  (91 kg)
City Wake Forest
Zip / postal 27587
State North Carolina
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
Prefer men aged from 50 to 70

Profile text:

70 mwm, bi curious but haven't done anything yet. Working on meeting up with a local guy.

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jt7979 profile has image profile has gallery
age 67 - NJ, United States
David profile has gallery profile has video
age 50 - MD, United States
rocklong profile has image profile has gallery
age 60 - GA, United States
age 70 - Australia
csfk profile has image profile has gallery
age 42 - CO, United States
bttm4topdad profile has image
age 30 - MN, United States
age 68 - NY, United States

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