Melodijus's profile

Profile ID: 2738307
Age 40
Height 5'11" ft
  (180 cm)
Weight 216 lb
  (98 kg)
Sexually is top
City Gravesend
Country United Kingdom
Seeking sex partner(s)
a date
a relationship
Prefer men aged from 50 and up

Profile text:

Just a regular top guy looking for bear chubby type blokes only, no younger then 50.
And please guys have a face picture.

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If you're a bear - or like bears - you should also take a look at the BearFront site
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age 75 - FL, United States
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age 58 - NE, United States
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age 68 - OH, United States
Slim guy profile has image
age 67 - Australia
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age 35 - TX, United States

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