Derry man's profile - supporters can see gallery

Profile ID: 2742529
Age 66
Height 6'1" ft
  (185 cm)
Weight 234 lb
  (106 kg)
Sexually is oral versatile
Partnered yes
City Dexter
Zip / postal 48103
State Michigan
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
Prefer men aged from 35 to 75

Profile text:

235 pounds bear man here
6 foot tall and a mature "60 Something "
I like big built husky men.
I'm Looking here for Someone who is relaxed and
I hope or prefer that you host.
(Or will consider other options.)
I'm friendly, clever and orally interested.
I'm not vanilla butt I'm no porn star sexually.
I'm Creative at Foreplay or massages
I like and a big firm ass!
Seeking real , mature FWB
I am very Discreet.
(Already partnered)

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age 60 - NE, United States
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age 64 - GA, United States

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