Hector Souza's profile - supporters can see gallery

Profile ID: 2747818
Age 52
Height 5'10" ft
  (178 cm)
Weight 172 lb
  (78 kg)
Sexually is top
City Fortaleza
Country Brazil
Prefer men aged from 55 to 70

Profile text:

An ordinary guy looking for friends around the world...chatting...if you see me online, let's chat....Have a great time...Hugs and kisses

Your car is German. Your vodka is Russian. Your pizza is Italian. Your kebab is Turkish. Your democracy is Greek. Your coffee is Brazilian. Your movies are American. Your tea is Tamil. Your shirt is Indian. Your oil is Saudi Arabian. Your electronics are Chinese. Your numbers Arabic, your letters Latin. And you complain that your neighbor is an immigrant? Pull yourself together. Copy if you're against racism

p.s.: Only 2 messages per day. please, before you send me message, check my preference men aged...Hugs

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