Donnie's profile - supporters can see gallery

Profile ID: 2754609
Age 64
Height 5'11" ft
  (180 cm)
Weight 203 lb
  (92 kg)
City Ocean City
Zip / postal 21842
State Maryland
Country United States

Profile text:

Hello I was introduce very early in life by an older family member. I have kept that secret for years. I am in my mid sixties man in a sexless marriage. We haven't had sex in over 3 years. I am in decent shape and modestly endowed. I'm looking for a nice regular guy. I can offer you safe discreet fun. It would be nice to have a fishing or golfing buddy to take trips with. I know he is out there somewhere. I can, and will travel for the right guy and situation. I could be so much fun for you. Please reach out if what you see intrigues you.

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