Michael-in-Paris's profile - supporters can see gallery
Profile text:While I'm sure you have photos of your wonderful private parts, please let's start with the public ones rather than the pubic ones.
𝐀rtistic, 𝐛enevolent, 𝐜alm, 𝐝ependable, 𝐞mpathetic, 𝐟aithful, 𝐠regarious, 𝐡umorous, 𝐢ntelligent, 𝐣ovial, 𝐤ind-hearted, 𝐥oving, 𝐦odest, 𝐧eat, 𝐨rganized, 𝐩atient, 𝐪uirky, 𝐫esilient, 𝐬incere, 𝐭rustworthy, 𝐮pbeat, 𝐯ersatile, 𝐰arm, 𝐱enodochial, 𝐲earning, 𝐳estful.
"A gentleman would be ashamed should his deeds not match his words." (Confucius)
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