No more's profile

Profile ID: 2799144
Age 59
Height 5'7" ft
  (170 cm)
Weight 130 lb
  (59 kg)
Sexually is versatile
oral versatile
City Naples
Zip / postal 34112
State Florida
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
a date
a relationship
Prefer men aged from 70 and up

Profile text:

Some hypocrites out here:
In the beginning, they pretended to be very kind person, seducing you with all kinds of sweet words. But when you are against their wills, they immediately become ruthless, using all the F* words to curse you and to threaten you, showing their lower educated, and hooligan personality.
Unbelievably, how lower they are!!!!!

Time flies, and I can hardly believe I've been on SD for a year. As the Thanksgiving season arrives, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude. To those who have made me happy, appreciated me, and treated me with respect-thank you for the joy and encouragement you've brought into my life. To those who may dislike me or have spoken unkind words, thank you as well, for teaching me resilience and perspective. Over this year, I experienced the profound beauty of love, falling deeply for someone here, but also endured the pain of being deeply hurt by this love. This journey has made me realize that perhaps I'm too naive for this place. It's time for me to leave.......


people conside me as thoughtful, considerate,and kind,

but I more like take care of older gentlemen:

I do toenail clipping, when you can't bend down;
I do face washing, when you are not well;
I do nude massage, when you feel loss of energy;
I do bathing, when you can't stand still in the bathroom;
I do cleaning after you poop, when you can't move your hand down;
I do sucking, when you feel horny;
I do kissing, when you are fond of it;
I do fucking, when you are hungry for that;

So I can do almost anything you request,
But my request is that you are over 70 yrs old and you need other people to do something for you.

I am not joking, I feel it is blessing to do something for the one you love!

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