Bigbear843's profile

Profile ID: 2805851
Age 30
Weight 249 lb
  (113 kg)
Sexually is top
oral receiving
City Long Beach
Zip / postal 90802
State California
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
Prefer men aged from 20 to 55

Profile text:

I'm your new favorite stud ;) athletic with thick strong thighs and a big stout belly that hangs over my chubby cock. Very hairy and tatted.

Well endowed and very strong. I can go many rounds and many orgasms with out stopping. I also pour out huge thick loads.

I'm very dominant and will be taking my pick. If you want to be noticed make sure you stand out when you message. If I messaged you then be thankful.

When you submit to me I can be every thing you need and provide love and caring energy after I have throughly punished you in the bedroom ;)

Blufftonwalloper A T G M a i L . C Om

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