Fred's profile - supporters can see gallery

Profile ID: 2837797
Age 61
Height 5'10" ft
  (178 cm)
Weight 245 lb
  (111 kg)
Sexually is versatile
oral versatile
City Charlotte
Zip / postal 28205
State North Carolina
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
a date
a relationship

Profile text:

Professional GWM in Charlotte. Looking more for dates and a connection. I do not send or have X pictures on here due to work reasons. If that is a problem, I apologize. I do not expect to see any. Nice guy, educated, love to cook, spend time with small groups of friends; musician and love concerts (symphony, musicals, etc.). Pretty passionate with a good connection. Interested in all types of men. Happy to talk and I send random compliments without an agenda. I am sure some of us have chatted "elsewhere," and happy to reconnect. Hugs!

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