Mike's profile - supporters can see gallery

Profile ID: 2884091
Age 54
Height 5'9" ft
  (175 cm)
Weight 190 lb
  (86 kg)
Sexually is versatile
oral versatile
City Mays Landing
Zip / postal 08330
Country United States

Profile text:

Newbie seeking experienced gentlemen over 65 who can host during the daytime and is D&D free. I am very open minded seeking new experiences.

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Did you know that the featured pictures are changed up to 10 times a day? - so come by often!
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OthChaser profile has image profile has gallery
age 70 - MA, United States
age 19 - United States
lauriejean (LJ) profile has image
age 58 - BC, Canada
nfguy profile has image
age 58 - ON, Canada
Charles profile has gallery
age 72 - NC, United States
SI*10314 profile has image profile has gallery
age 65 - NY, United States
BookmanM profile has gallery
age 80 - DC, United States

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