Joe's profile

Profile ID: 2899187
Age 39
Height 5'10" ft
  (178 cm)
Weight 170 lb
  (77 kg)
City San Antonio
State Texas
Country United States
Seeking a relationship

Profile text:

I am looking for a relationship of trust, caring and friendship. My interests include woodworking, quilting and generally artsy stuff.I am looking for someone who appreciates nature. I'm on the quiet side and a professional. I enjoy honest intimate conversation with depth. I appreciate learning new things. I love to touch the man I love whether it's in bed, in the car or holding hands elsewhere. I love cooking with him, walking with him, hearing him in the house as he's doing the things he loves. I believe in encouraging him in his interests and we sharing in those adventures where they take us. I love to travel with him and just to share his presence either staying at home or going to the theater.

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