Bill's profile - supporters can see gallery

Profile ID: 2906276
Age 58
Weight 245 lb
  (111 kg)
Sexually is top
oral versatile
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
a date
a relationship
Prefer men aged from 20 to 90

Profile text:

I am looking for someone who is serious in wanting to share my sexual experience resulting in a longterm relationship with trust and care for one another. Please include your email if you want a response. If you want to leave your phone number, please include it in your message. Thank you.

everyday I am a very passionate guy. I love lots of foreplay. I love sucking and rimming on a clean hole, kissing, nipple and arse play,giving and receiving oral. I am single, healthy, very clean and negative get tested every three months.

Seeking a friend and friend with benefits leading to in a loving relationship..... I had a lover. We lived together 21 years. He passed away at the age 89 years. The life can be fulfill with the love again.

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