MidCoast Rick's profile - supporters can see gallery
Profile text:I have been offline for several months, looking to touch base with friends and hopefully meet new ones.
I have been lucky enough (and actually blessed) to have met some wonderful men on here in the past. Folks who were patient and understanding with my late stage sexual questioning and the associated drama, but I have yet to gone to bed with anyone because of the inherent challenges--including the fact that I'm married and my wife has been seriously ill for close to a decade now and dependent on oxygen 24 hours a day--among other day-to-day battles.
So, I have not been intimate with either sex for a very long time and, unfortunately, my interest in men arose much later in life than normal and I can not abandon my wife under these circumstances. (She has no idea of my desire for men.)
So, I masturbate when I am able, log onto AI porn--and other--sexed-based websites, and continue to fantasize constantly (no matter where I may be located:work,the shower, Hannafords--smile).
None of these types of diversions will replace the connections of real friends of course.
I do apologize for sharing way too much and providing you with an updated version of my modern day soap opera (smile) but I wanted to be honest so that you will be forewarned and run away from me as fast as you can! (smile)
I do sincerely wish you all a great day and best wishes on your journey. These are incredibly scary times with the new political "regime change" and--if nothing else--I hope to send good karma, supporting words, and kind thoughts your way during these very precarious times.
I appreciate all of those who bothered to read this novel of a profile to the end and thank you for your efforts.
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