David pitty's profile

Profile ID: 2914126
Age 61
Weight 249 lb
  (113 kg)
Sexually is bottom
City Portsaintlucie
Zip / postal 34985
State Florida
Country United States
Seeking a date
a relationship

Profile text:

gay,single,lonely,live alone,seeking LTR 2 share love,heart,spirit,soul,body,mind, thoughts, emotions,drea ms, and happiness, Tired of spending holidays,birthdays or special occasions/events alone.NO games,drama, fakes,liars,cheaters, thieves,players,gold diggers. I'm looking for a serious relationship that will lead to marriage. No drama or play
I have several hobbies, and wish I could find more time to pursue those, such as swimming,playing video games, dancing,
my interests include reading, reading books of John Grisham, James Patterson, Stuart Woods, Patricia Cornwell, Sue Grafton, Kinky Friedman, Tom Robbins, Mario Puzo and many more...I love a good mystery), seeing concerts or symphonies, walking a trail in the woods, movies, eating out or cooking, book stores, and working in my flower beds. I love construction work and site plans. and would like someone to share those with

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