Afterhours's profile - supporters can see gallery

Profile ID: 3296
Age 79
Height 5'1" ft
  (155 cm)
Weight 128 lb
  (58 kg)
Sexually is versatile
oral versatile
City Ballarat, .. Lal Lal
Zip / postal 3352
Country Australia
Seeking sex partner(s)
a date
a relationship

Profile text:

Versatile guy, moustache, looking for a mature man, married/bi OK, top or bottom, no upper age limit ... for meetings on a regular, but irregular, basis ... Widower. Live alone, a full on Nudist, both private and public ... can host .... available most times, days, evenings or weekends. Into whatever works for you. I have no preferences, but rather am into the man himself ... all else follows. Extremeliy affectionate, not good at quick sex ... Looks and physical attributes are unimportant, likeable personality, good conversation is. No games, no BS... What you see is exactly what you get.

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