H.Caulfield's profile - supporters can see gallery

Profile ID: 355206
Age 49
Height 5'9" ft
  (174 cm)
Weight 139 lb
  (63 kg)
City Paris
Country France
Prefer men aged from 65 to 90

Profile text:

A - Aesthetics
B - (To)Be
C - Company, I like it, but I enjoy loneliness too
D - Dostoïevski, because of The brothers Karamazov, or Crime and punishment or Notes from the basement ...
E - Eat, I feel sorry people who eat only to feed themselves
F - Friends
G - Gay, I knew I was before I knew the word or its meaning
H - Houellebecq, probably the most important alive French writer
I - Internet, can be an addiction
J - Joy
K - Kindness, a very valuable quality
L - Love, don't mention it, I'd hate the strain of the pain again
M - Mother
N - Negativism, I try to avoid, I don't always succed
O - Optimist, I try to be
P - Partner, look at "L"
Q - Questions, I ask a lot, but I also answer if I am asked
R - Read, I do a lot
S - Sex
T - Tennis, I don't play it as much as I used when I was teenager, but I still hit the ball from time to time
U - Universal, what is ?
V - Vivid
W - to my surprise, I have too many choices for this letter, I finally chose "work"
X - Anonymous
Y - Why not ?
Z - Zoo, I am fascinated by animals since I am a child ; every time I visit a foreign big city, I try to have a look at the local zoo

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