Kay's profile - supporters can see gallery

Profile ID: 527810
Age 66
Height 5'9" ft
  (175 cm)
Weight 276 lb
  (125 kg)
Sexually is oral versatile
City Mesquite
Zip / postal 89027
State Nevada
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
a date
a relationship
Prefer men aged from 50 to 90

Profile text:

I am a very easy going, honest, chubby guy next door type. I like golf, fishing, reading fiction, and chatting with other senior men. Not into head games. if you get interested, give me a yell. I would love to hear from you. I only have two emails here a day, please leave an email or way of getting a hold of you. I can be contacted at kaywgee2 at yaw hew.
My picture is 5 years old. I would love to find a FWB. Please no one under 50 Thank you.

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steve profile has image profile has gallery
age 65 - United Kingdom
Tom Martin
age 57 - CO, United States
shadow69 profile has image profile has gallery
age 68 - VA, United States
Ron profile has image profile has gallery
age 68 - WA, United States
age 65 - IL, United States
Julian profile has image profile has gallery
age 35 - MA, United States

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