214headhunter's profile - supporters can see gallery

Profile ID: 551795
Age 67
Height 5'8" ft
  (173 cm)
Weight 320 lb
  (145 kg)
Sexually is bottom
oral giving
Partnered yes
City mesquite
Zip / postal 75181
State Texas
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
a date
Prefer men aged from 20 to 80

Profile text:

short hair S/P,mustash and gotee,married bi sexual very oral love to please and swallow I have a small dick, love the feel of a big cock in both my holes really into nipple play..my tastes are veryed open to alot of things Prefer Asian Blk or Hisp but all cummers are more than welcum to leave a deposit...lol YOUNG and OLDER.PS smooth uncut's a+++ tested neg
April 2017,local contacts please BLOWYALATER....Jon
UPDATE: due to recent surgry prefer to strictly Bottom
Who can host a cocksucker in mesquite.

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