alcoota's profile - supporters can see gallery
Profile text:A heat-loving social critter that travels throughout the remote areas of northern and central Australia where I work and indulge my love for camping, bushwalking and soaking up the natural environment, it's a blast! Love decent tucker, social madness ... Gimme a swag and I'm outta here....Music has always been a priority in my life (listening to, and making it). There's always music playing around my joint and I have a keen interest in soul, funk and dance stuff. Never watch TV but do enjoy a decent film. I love literature, arts, socialising with friends and family, and being a fool (often unintentionally)...
Always bearded, shaved head, very dark eyes, uc and very passionate - have a thing for other furry faced critters! Nothing like locking whiskers! Vanilla leanings and not afraid of intimacy and affection.....aaaaw! Spew! Simple needs.
Patient, tantrum and mood-free, and never bored (and I've spent all my adult life in remote areas, work that one out).
Be friendly, be honest, and be you...easy!
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