Swede boi's profile - supporters can see gallery

Profile ID: 58283
Age 47
Height 5'10" ft
  (178 cm)
Weight 176 lb
  (80 kg)
Sexually is bottom
City Stockholm
Country Sweden
Seeking sex partner(s)
a date
Prefer men aged from 50 to 70

Profile text:

I am looking for a top daddy who enjoys a masculine guy. I just love furry solid daddies.....

I am in an open relationship.

scania_76 at h*o*t*m*a*i*l . c*o*m

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age 57 - United States
Mark profile has image profile has gallery
age 60 - Australia
age 32 - CA, United States
ASAPDaddy profile has image profile has gallery
age 73 - OR, United States
Tim NW Ohio profile has image profile has gallery
age 68 - OH, United States
Jim profile has image profile has gallery
age 62 - CA, United States
Uncut Doc profile has image profile has gallery
age 77 - CA, United States

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