Just Here's profile

Profile ID: 589001
Age 63
Height 5'6" ft
  (168 cm)
Weight 135 lb
  (61 kg)
City bellmore
Zip / postal 11710
State New York
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
a date
a relationship
Prefer men aged from 40 to 70

Profile text:

Easy going guy here; toned body, brown hair and eyes.

I am sensual and passionate and enjoy intimate, quiet time
together, including, and especially, mutual touch, massage
and exploring the healing physical and spiritual connection
that I know can happen between sincere enlightened men.

Beach walks, museums, exploring LI or NYC, curling up
together while we both immerse ourselves in a good book,
cozy weekend naps are all good, as are small restaurants, cooking together and sharing a bottle of wine.

I only have two messages a day, so if you could include an
e-mail address, that would be helpful

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