CR's profile - supporters can see gallery and video
Profile text:Love the outdoors and being with friends and family. I enjoy most sports, especially college basketball and football. I am a huge dog lover and advocate for animal rescue and adoption.
I seek friendship with men of class. I appreciate the male body and enjoy viewing all of its different shapes and sizes in nude form on this site, minus the occasional butthole shot. I can appreciate a nice ass pic but you should keep your (O) private. Nor do I care to see a pic of your wife or girlfriend's pussy. What the hell? Are we looking for Waldo? Read the room Bud. You made my boner go down.
I seem to connect more with Gentlemen a bit older with some meat on them bones. A nice chubby butt with a big set of balls hanging wins first prize.
I really don't care to hear about your political views or the hatred that it creates. Relax, suck a dick.
Being gay is what I am, not who I am.
Sideways pics hurt my neck. Upside down pics hurt my head. Muscle flexing pics make me laugh. Restricted profiles, WTF, shame on you. If your gallery pic is the same as your profile pic, go to your room, you've wasted my time. Pics using beer cans in attempt to prove dick girth is poor marketing, unless you are selling beer, then it's genius.
Not a fan of ones that toot their own horn. I believe that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
I am not into men that dress in women's clothing. If you like it, You go gurl.
If you would like to chat please have a pic. I have chatted with some dick's on here but have no time for assholes.
Be NICE, who knows, you could make someone's day. After all, we are on the same team. Everyone belongs, we just need to find out where. Be Happy.
Hang up and live..
Kindness and Respect rule.
Tell your Dog I said Hi..
Adopt a dog today. Your life will be filled with Joy and Unconditional LOVE.
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