traveling dad lover's profile - supporters can see gallery and video

Profile ID: 656523
Age 46
Height 5'9" ft
  (175 cm)
Weight 181 lb
  (82 kg)
City NYC.Delray Beach.Marathon Key
Zip / postal 10312
State New York
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
Prefer men aged from 45 to 90

Profile text:

i like cam sex with dad-type-men. edging and talking. i don't check messages here every day, but if you want to chat and edge together, leave me your contact on your favorite service and we will chat


Drive your cock into me Dad
make my body sing your praises

If you are a Large Mature Man
taller and heavier than me
and would like to breed yourself into someone regularly
especially if you have a "dad" mindset or really enjoy being served and adored
please call me to you.

i'm so horny, dad
i'd love to give all this energy to you
nourish you with my passionate power
feel all of your own substantial masculine sexual energy boosted by mine
and receive all of that back into me
so i can give it back to you
over and over

i'd love to be covered in your scents
filled with your fluids
exhausted by adoration to you
exhausted by your use of me

i am asking for a big man who wants to breed me regularly

ask me to come stay with you for a time, i can be useful in many ways.


this is my sex-centered profile.
i feel deeply satisfied being of service
sucking your cock for hours, massaging you, bringing you to orgasm and relaxed sighs of pleasure . . .
and helping you build and clean and cook and fix and complete things

i'd love to stay with a big horny dad who need me to suck His dick every day
or receive a strong breeding from them regularly

i have many skills
sexually and otherwise
and i love to please appreciative men
and be of use
put me to work around your house
and i can massage you regularly, very well
as well as lead us in body exercises like yoga and qigong

i can meditate and generally entertain myself

let me know if you'd like me to come spend some time with you (a week or longer)
i'd be happy to stay with couples as well
pleasing one or both

the rest of this text is me writing my sexual passions


it is a very special act
that should be appreciated
a man in his sixties fucking and breeding a man in his twenties
or late teens
the wide age gap makes for a powerful polarity
the Dad can upload so much into the Boy
there is just so much the Boy does not know. . .
hasn't experienced
the opportunity is overwhelming
and both are driven to enact this ritual
to exchange these energies
even if there is no understanding
the Why is intrinsic
even if unconscious
it becomes a compulsion
Boys of this ilk Must Be Bred
Dads of this persuasion Must Breed
a tradition of language of the body
beyond words and intellectual understanding
knowledge and wisdom and power is transferred
as are hungers, desires, kinks
it's not a clean install
not everything takes
not all seeds bear fruit
and Boys plant many seeds in themselves
plus all they carry from their parents
but it should be honored
this compulsion of the youth and elder to cross pollinate
as many Dads just need Boy seed in them
honor these needs
even as they drive you in confusion
find the wisdom and clarity
and imagine you can choose wisely what you give
and what you receive
even if your mind only comes back online
when the semen is flowing
when the cock is throbbing
take that moment to appreciate the exchange
and charge with intention what is being received and given
you may learn
in time
to cultivate the seeds before you plow them
before you get impregnated with them
lick those balls lovingly
your moans singing to the seeds there in what traits you want expressed
"oh, give me this Dad's broad hairy chest, give me his charisma and charm. give me his prowess with finance, with words, with music, with craft. Give me this Dad's smell, his voice, his beautiful bright eyes. Find our shared root in eternity and let us nourish each other at all points in time and creation from this moment of pleasure and adoration. . . let this awe and gratitude radiate out to everyone we ever meet, at every point in our living. . . "
Yes, This, Sir, is what is meant with that grunt, with that "fuck my hole", with that "Fuck Yeah"
in every hook up
from app to park to dark room and road side encounter
this compulsion is a necessary communication
a weaving of wealth into potential
and potential back into wisdom

Breed Me Dad
Breed Me As You Must
stare into my eyes
and flash me with your soul
with all you know
all you've experienced
all you've forgotten
all you've ever hoped for
all the roads you haven't taken
all the love you've yet to give
let me be the receiver of all your virility
the audience of all your passion

now i am in my transition
middle age
from youth to elder
it's all relative
but the age differences are not so wide from here
i see a hot mature man with a hardon
and i know i want him to ejaculate into me
though i often want to breed as well
but do not unless i can stay around to tend the seeds i sow
thank you for sharing your hardons
your smiles
your mature bodies
i am still one who admires
adores you

that young slim body
opening up to that fat mature dick
that dad's belly resting on that skinny little ass
dad breathes through his mouth
almost a slave to the boy's desire
the boy acts without understanding
knowing only he needs that dad's well worn tool inside him
knowing only he needs that dad to unleash his powerful seed into his young receptive body

oh, big bear: excrete your cum into me
push into me with your heavy force
grunt as your release your weight onto me
engage your ample bulk again
and thrust your fat heavy appendage into my anus
blood pulsing into your penis
throbbing in my quivering asshole
your balls hot hot hotter
as your kundalini descends
uncoiling from your belly
the head embodying your phallus
the tail wrapping up the spine
luminous and fiery
absorbing sparks of creation from the universe
channeled through your flesh
your fur
absorbing from the tip of each hair like lightning the energy of life
the heat of your pounding heart
the heat of your round belly
mixing with the life from the universe
your spine glowing like embers
your dick a hot poker in me
my body open to sky and stars
to the dirt and water
your heat flows into me
imbuing me with your passion
your essence flows from your penis first etherically
a cloud of energy
electric sparks
spreading through my flesh
my hot butt
my hot belly
my tail bone connecting with your pelvis
electric shocks as you plug into me
your hands on my hips
our bones conducting
energy from the entire universe pouring through all your hair and skin and meat and fat and bone and blood
pulsing into me
through your fingers and palms and penis
radiating from your belly and heart and eyes
our bodies resonating with our moans
speaking a language more true than any in words
our spiritual architecture aligning
from your groin, balls, cock
interlockingking in multiple dimensions with my ass and balls and cock and belly
our bodies and souls entraining together
as you receive my life force
flowing from eternity through me into you
through your cock, up your spine
through all your bones and matter and spirit
empowering you
your balls
generating such holy seeds
of love and strength
and the wishes for this wonderful world to be even more beautiful and plesurable
in integrity and peace and passion
as all the muscles in our body quiver and convulse in harmony with each other
and your semen shoots in my flesh
permeating all the cells and structures
weaving through me as my nature and essence wavers with your force
bulging to be a bit more in your image
as you release some of your duty and drive into me
freely expressing your life purpose
to breed and bellow and moan
to eat and enjoy
and feel the wind blow over your sweaty back
as you lay on top of me
collapse into me
hold me tight
drifting in and out of our unity
and separation
our oneness with all things
and individual human experience


i woke up with a hardon
i didn't want to be awake
i turned away from the sunlight onto my belly
and settled into the mattress
my belly and chest well supported
my legs open
cock pressing firmly into the bed
arms over my head
chest open
breathing deep

i always think of you in this position
you told me once
you sleep like this
i think of your body
i picture it from the outside
and feel it from the inside
feel you the best i can
reach out to your soul and body through distance
and welcome you in my body
dreamy moment in bed feeling

then it always turns into you being on my back
the way you have been before
feeling the weight of you on me
your breathing
your tension and strength
settling into me
the heat of your sex against me
the flare of your crown against my butt
on me
in me
your belly expanding into my back as you're breathing

and i love you
and want your chest to radiate warmth into my heart from behind
and want your strong arms to squeeze me
as you pull yourself into me
and tense your body in pleasure and love
pumping your cum into me
grunting and moaning
and relaxing into me
falling asleep again on my back
melting into me
so i can breathe heavily
lifting your body with my breath
supporting your body
breathing your fragrance
absorbing your essence and seed into my field
into my bones and belly and heart

this is how i want to wake up
and seeing that i can't go back to sleep this morning
i felt i should write it
when i say

i love you, dad

of course i think of you driving your dick in me
taking your pleasure in me to your satisfaction
and i think of drinking your piss
licking your balls and ass
and sucking your cock
for hours and hours
and the joys of sharing men with you
and being shared by you

i love you

i also think of massaging your feet and back and neck

of feeling you relax in my hands

and also in my mouth
and ass
as i look in your eyes and welcome your spirit and semen and heart into me
as you breed me
and gasp with the pressure of your orgasm
and collapse on top of me
and relax

i love you dad

i want you to be well

thanks for being my dad
i love being your boy
and yearn for any opportunity to please and serve you


i just want fat old men to cum in me

i realy love it when men get old enough to get thick
the thickness that comes with gravity and time
thick back, thick thighs, thick hands, broad body
big bellies
men with insatiable appetites
i love it when they need pleasuring all the time
always to be sucked
always to fuck
always to breed their seed into what holes they can enter
what bodies they can take

of course
their passion is dependent on novelty
so i love from bear to bear
from dad to dad
from grand dad to grand dad
inspiring their hardons
and moans and grunts and sighs

and moving on
to be bred again
to milk again
to be bred again and again

their heavy bellies
their heavy balls
their aging flesh
feeling their mortality
wanting to spread what's left of their essence around
into younger generations
continuing glimmers is their life


when i was younger
i would sometimes find myself at a sex party
or cruising park
sucking cock
and men would line up behind him
waiting for my reception

i loved to give them all of my attention
my adoration and love
rubing their bodies with my hands
worshiping their cock and balls
and receiving their milk

so much daddy milk

it's been a long time since i've had a regular diet of daddy milk. . .

i love thinking about living with a dad
and offering him every day
"mouth or ass, dad?"

i love him stopping what he's doing and either sitting there to enjoy my attention
or bellying up to me and penetrating me
pumping himself into me
and patterning me with his loud authentic moans
and living DNA

drinking up my pleasure
and honor at receiving him
letting it flow up through his spine and blossom through him
just as i let his energy do in me

(writing this just made me grab my hard cock and cum!)

oh big man, put your hard hot cock in me!
i will sing your praises!
penetrate me and pin me to you. . .

i had a dream this morning
upon waking
i had a very clear image of a dad fucking me
of him spitting on my ass
and pushing his cock in
like the last video we made together
but i was screaming loudly
"oh yes father, fuck me! penetrate me! breed me! let them all hear how much i love to be fucked by you!"
but there was also coaching going on
as if i was hearing a voice
and i was talking to him
telling him what the voice was saying
"look at my sacrum
see my coccyx
where they meet
that's called "the golden door"
(or the iron door?)
look at it closely
you can see a little flexing of the joint as you fuck me
focus your attention there
gaze strongly with your eyes
and feel all of your energy from your head and heart and belly and balls
enter that door
and walk through it
that is how you come into me
not just with your orgasm and your ejaculation
but with your soul and consciousness
you can enter this body through there
inhabit it
make it your home
or your playground
your pied a terre
(now my cock is hard as i write this)
let your soul migrate to this younger body
have it
to continue your conquests and pleasures of this mortal physical realm

like this
men achieve a sort of immortality

this combination of reliving the sex scene
and having another
and having this sex coaching
screaming wildly as he penetrated me strongly
and feeling his cock opening me
and feeling his massive energy
his personality
and his soul
opening infinitely
stretching me
my hole
my bones
my body
my spirit
yelling wildly
him too
our voices joining
all of the men around us hearing
and being part of it
as we open infinitely into each other

all the wonders of the world, daddy. . . can be ours. . . when our cocks are hard together and you are inside my welcoming ass. . . you can see and feel all of the adventures i have experienced. . . all the sex i've had. . . all the mysteries i've touched. . . you can express yourself fully in me. . . all your dreams, all your life experiences. . . all your secrets and mysteries: told entirely and shared completely. . . when you're in my welcoming ass and our hearts and balls and minds and cocks and bellies and bodies and souls are connected. i love you daddybear, let's dance eternally in wisdom and wonder and orgasm!
i am a traveller. do you want to meet me somewhere beautiful to spend time together? ask me if you want me to come stay with you a week or a month. i can massage and help you around the house. i can teach you. you can train me. we can have sex. we can make sex even better. we can massage each other. meditate. hike. yoga. learn, grow, transform. move on. io pan.

Pan looking for Bacchus

i may love to be naked in nature
barefoot hiking many miles, no path in site
copulating with mushrooms identical to faerie phalluses
while groundhogs and beavers and porcupines gawk openly

but i want to come home to the opulent decadence of Bacchus
mature, and of more worldly pleasures than earthly
he may eat and drink as much as he can hold
smoke when he wants to
drink when he wants to
piss when he wants to
eat when he wants to
fuck when he wants to
and i know him: he wants it all the time
endless, insatiable for sensual pleasures

i may hang out with Shiva on a mountain top
meditating for ten thousand years
but when i come back to the den of Bacchus
i know that he will be heavier and jollier
and wanting to squeeze me against his warm bulk
and force me down into his crotch to pleasure him
i know heʼll want to eat my cum too
and i know heʼll need every angle of fucking we can come up with
he just wants everything all the time
and he enjoys it
the clothes, the food, the music, the drink
he wantʼs endless pleasure
which i may not be able to stomach myself
but i love romping with him when i can

uomini maturi che hanno bisogno di un culo caldo per pompare il loro latte, per favore chiedimi, mi offrirò a te con gioia

it's Spring
we should all be fucking and breeding

i live to serve beautiful mature men who need connection and expression in younger men

i am good at being versatile
but this profile is lots of writing about being a good bottom

if this entices you
let's make magic:

you beautiful old men
not another load of your cum should ever be wasted
please pump it in me
i will receive
and adore you in return. . .

when I close my eyes
I picture a Dad's dick
slick with my spit
pressed against the velvety skin of my asshole
-wet from dad eating it out
I feel the heat there
the beauty of that image
the groan both of us make
when he decides to push in
throbb inside me
our blood pumping together
synchronizing. . .


i'm a slim fit guy who likes guys with bigger bodies
i've studied yoga and healing arts
i want a lusty horny man with a big body and lots of lust to fuck me
i want to suck his dick
i want him to love my ass
stick his cock in me
enjoy himself
look me in the eyes
scream, grunt, moan: sing his pleasure as he's cuming

i want to feel good with a big bodied guy
and make him feel good

ask for what you like
i'll do my best to make you happy

I need to be bred regularly by a mature big furry man
(extra points for bears who like to fuck in the woods)

i would love to find a horny mature man eager to be pleased by a younger man who worships and adores him
and would be honored to drink his milk
or be bred by his strong powerful force

the rest is just blather. . .

I wrote this to a friend today
October 29th, 2014:
I find you beautiful and attractive
I want your seed in me
I want you to grow in me
to become somewhat like you

I admire/desire you
aspects of you

to embody traits of you
to feel your desires live on through me

that's how I'm wired
that's what makes me want you to fuck me
to breed me
to make love with me
to posses me
in part
as you can

your big cock opening me up
the power in your core flowing into me
hooking into me
resonating with me
transforming me

is it a one way flow?
I imagine if I'm resonating with you
you can resonate with me
and be transformed too
even if you're in the dominant position
procreating with me, in me
making me a vessel for your passion, your intention

it depends where your desires lie
you can feel me
flowing from my core into yours
through your powerful cock
your heavy balls
your juicy prostate
your navel
your belly
your chest
heaving with your breath
breathing into me
breathing through me
with your thrust

of course
I'm stroking while I write this!

good morning.

I haven't had sex for a month
I wish I could just be somewhere for a few weeks where a daddy fucked me every day

if you need a hot virile young guy to suck your cock
worship your body
plug your dick into
appreciate all of the hot passionate energy you've got as a mature man
I'm here for you
tap into me, feel my youthful energy flow into your body and know you have a hot strong young man to pump your milk in to
to let your emotions, dreams, passions be expressed into
let your dick drink of my beautiful ass
let your eyes and hands paint me with lust, love and desire
feel my greatful beauty and strength filling you up
find your rhythm in me
embody yourself in your monsterful powerful animal beast man self
fuck ferociously grunting and sweaty
knitting your seeds, your cells, your scent, yourself with me
be arrogant, knowing that you are hot and deserve such adoration
be confident that i am honored to be the hot boy you are breeding your superior self into

feel that.
is that what you want, Dad?

let's start the dialogue that will lead to grunting sweaty orgasmic bliss


Looking for men 50+ who want to sow their seeds in a younger generation.

sometimes i read men's profiles and they say
"I want a nice ass to fuck"
i wish i were there to be that nice ass for them.

i love feeling when a mature man cums in me
in my mouth or in my ass
that feeling of the rush and thrust
the throbbing and pumping
dad's balls slapping against my ass
brewing up a hot load for me
the heat rising and flowing through me
while we generate energy (chi, prana, kundalini)
a strong orgasm for the both of us
both of our bodies merged and transformed through orgasm.

i'm very happy when a bigger, older man plugs into me
i'm an excellent cock sucker ( i love being between a powerful man's thighs for hours ) and happy with just oral if that's all you like, i don't need anal, just love it when we're both into it.
i love being fed by a large man
i love feeding from him
drinking all that hot energy
that big belly, big balls
i love opening my throat and letting it pour into me
nourishing me
relieving the tension from the man who's overflowing with himself
into me, opening for him to flow into, and feeling me reflecting through all of him

i love sucking off a big bear
or just long enough til his cock is wet and slick and his desire is full throttle
letting a dad lick and stick my ass
i get off feeling your hands on me
enjoying my hot round ass
my muscular smooth back
my flexible lithe body

i want to feel you enjoying me
and hear you grunting as you're unleashing yourself into me

cuming feels better when it's done inside someone
let that be me.
I have a strong desire to be Marked by a Powerful Man
take your Age and Size and let's believe in them as assets
let me be the one who reveres and honors you
the one of beauty who reflects your beauty
because you make me a part of you
by owning me
writing your name in me with your DNA
the Seeds of your self
Let me be the one who understands that Daddy Dersire in you to affect your self in another's living body
to use your natural masculine ability to breed
make me your womb and your child
pregnant with your passions
your soul
to carry out the dreams you might never realize
but want made manifest
let me be your boy to bring them to fruition
dip your mature sceptre into me and feel the strength of my youth become yours, course into you
to harness and reign me with as your heart desires...
plant yourself in me and make me the man you want to live those dreams with
give me your life to help me become the one you want to live in and with

I live alone, you can come to me
or I can come to you

this profile is for men in the city
and men in the country
and any country

I would really love a daddy who pump his cum into me daily.
I would love to meet the man who can harness me and nourish me into growing from his boy into his man
I have had this profile turned off for many months
I'm turning it back on now with a slightly different intention
just let me know what your lust is
how deep you want to go into me

è primavera, se hai bisogno di allevare, per favore allevami

thank you dad
i've often remembered you in my body, our times together, our fantasies of being together again. i'm grateful you've bred me, and we are connected, and can remember each other in passion. i wish us both healing and bliss and love and pleasure. may we experience togetherness many times more in this life! thank you for appreciating me and desiring me, for caring for me and loving me. i wish to do the same for you wholeheartedly. . . wholebodiedly. . . wholespiritually. . .

i'm all lit up right now. what a nice energy to wake up to

i would love to be fucked by you every day, Dad!
i'd love to help you doing stuff around the house
do massages occasionally
go out and do stuff
lay around watch tv or movies
spend time alone
and amongst all of that
when the mood would catch me
i'd push you down and take off your clothes
if you had any on
and i'd suck you're dick a while
just for the pleasure of it
and if you felt like you wanted to
i'd suck you for an hour or two
til you came in my throat
or you needed to pick me up and turn me round and plow me

and maybe that would happen
amongst all our daily doings
you'd just see me walking naked around the house
and need to stop me
bend me over and eat my ass
and slide your cock into me
and pound your daddy juices into me
moaning in pleasure into me
collapsing on top of me and resting for a while
curled up like two dogs in the sun coming in from
the window
til your dick softened and came out of me

or you got hard again and needed to pump into me again!

so nice to read through all this again
i was masturbating the whole time
and came right before the end

years of writing about desire and celebrating lust and various lovers

i wish i were with you now!
take a moment and feel my ass around your cock. . . our bellies and hearts connected. . . both of us smiling into each other


sexual healing request

i need to get fucked regularly for a while by a bear with a broad chest and strong shoulders

i got fucked a lot by a guy who couldn't cum, so he fetishized my ejaculating. . . i enjoy having non-ejaculatory sex
but he was set on making me cum as often as he could. . . and with his big dick in my ass it was really easy to do!
he had great precum and a fat dick that was always hard with me
i used it well
and came many times a day
which exhausted me
he never came, not even orgasmed (meds he was on)
i sucked him often as well
which was super fun
but i eventually felt like a baby starving on a dry mother's tit

he had a hot stocky body
but no muscles in his chest and shoulders
which was a real bummer for me as i've done pushups regularly my entire life and love a developed musculature in a man
fat men with strong shoulders and broad chest is my favorite

since all that fucking with him
I've had chronic shoulder pain

two energy healers told me the cause of the shoulder pain is spiritual in nature
i've yet to be diagnosed by medical doctors
but a physical therapist said it is a "frozen shoulder"

i like believing passionate lovemaking could help heal it
could help heal anything and everything
i've always mythologized sex
and believe in unusual realities that many people would call impossible
one being that of "breeding"
that the intention in the sexual passion
especially with ejaculation into someone
can transform them

i'm versatile and when i fuck someone
i always spend time cultivating love for them
wishing them healing and peace and beauty and confidence

even when i suck someone's cock
i'm also pulling in energy from stars or galaxies and channeling it through their chakras and meridian systems to bring them healing and better orgasmic bliss

it's what i believe and i hear over and over that people feel the orgasms they have with me are unique and wonderful

when i bottom, anally
i'm usually blown away by the intensity and don't have the consciousness to cultivate the energy as much
so would love a man who gets what i'm aiming at
and fucks me with love and healing
even without too much consciousness in it
if he's a muscle bear who cultivates his chest and arms
or a man with a natural muscular physique in those areas
i feel i would benefit from his cum in me

i've been studying toaist sex practices for years now
and would love to practice them with a lover
they encourage not ejaculating
but feeling love and pleasure and intention while making love, and intricately cycling the energy through the bodies
the orgasms are wonderful
especially as the semen retention builds up
and then a ritual breeding could happen
say, once a month

that's a lot to ask for, i know
even hot passionate sex with a man who is into love and healing and wants to cum in me would be a gift

i'm putting it out there
want to breed me regularly?
i'd be happy to return the favor!
(or just graciously receive your breeding and love and honor and adore you as a bottom)

i am open to traveling to you, or with you, anywhere in the world

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