mr8801's profile - supporters can see gallery

Profile ID: 66039
Age 85
Height 5'8" ft
  (173 cm)
Weight 172 lb
  (78 kg)
Sexually is top
oral versatile
City Albany Colonie
Zip / postal 12205
State New York
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
Prefer men aged from 30 to 75

Profile text:

!!Listen up Guys!! Update 6/23/24
I'm sorry to seem that I'm an angry guy. I'm not, Just so much hurtful guys out there..Why???
Be Mature
NotlQQking for Pen Pals, That's for kids
Be reasonably close for you to cum to me.
If you don't live in Albany and or surrounding areas, say so at the start. Visiting ? say so..
Must have up to date Vaxx shots like me
Must Have a face pic to MEAT up. I have one for you to see
Good Hygiene a must,clean smelling breath,Non smoker
Read profile before you message me. Not answering and questions when the answers are in my profile. Ask me something not in my profile. it tells me you didn't read my profile.
Not lQQking for Females, more problems than they are worth
Not paying ANY MONEY for you to see me! Get here on your own steam.
Lets not have lengthy IM's back and forth. We here to MEAT up n have a good time YES or No. Let's doit
NOT into Fucking or Rimming either way
Bsafe, bcarefull, bgood at what you do

I'm retired biwwm 85yo 5'7" 175lbs. live near Colonie Center Mall. (take charge type guy here) lQQking for a FWB only (not a live in partner) who likes kissing, su*king, cuddling, ass n niplay,pillow talk. Shaved cock .Get Hardons not rock hard. Can't come, Climax and very intense. Helping his partner to achieve their goal while being together. Like guys who lov to wear Lingerie (which I have). Not a deal breaker
Would b nice to hear back either way Thanx

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