Rob B's profile - supporters can see gallery

Profile ID: 700875
Age 73
Height 5'10" ft
  (178 cm)
Weight 187 lb
  (85 kg)
Sexually is top
Partnered yes
City Oxfordshire UK
Country United Kingdom
Seeking friends
Prefer men aged from 30 to 55

Profile text:

Hello, I'm Rob. I hope all's well with you. Thank you for taking the time to read the profile. We like to travel when possible and also enjoy theatre visits. I do quite a lot of amateur theatre activities including acting and singing as a hobby and enjoy music, and socialising with friends. If you want to know more about us just ask. If I'm in the chat room I like to chat and I'm very approachable - or send me a message here. My partner (who is 37) and I are looking to make friends all around the world. We like to travel to sunny places and maybe we could share holiday accommodation costs - and in return if you are ever visiting the UK we live in the beautiful county of Oxfordshire and it would be nice to share our place (we have a modern house with three bedrooms etc) with you during your stay. Hoping to hear from nice, friendly, like-minded people. We don't like rude, pushy or vulgar people although we are not prudes either. Take care, have fun and be safe.
The main picture was taken in JULY 2018 in Tenerife.
Also, please, a recent picture would be appreciated. (of course I know some people find it difficult to post one - in which case please have one you can send here....)I'm amending clear face pic no's amazing how many guys want to see more of me without seeing ANY of them!! No kidding!!!
All the best to everyone.

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